Hanel 2018
Summary table
Key | Value |
category | read-based |
platform | illumina |
open source | true |
reproducible | false |
documented | false |
This protocol uses ResFinderfor detection of AMR genes in A. skirrowii. Database version not mentioned.
Step 1 DNA was purified using High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit and sequencing libraries were generated using the Nextera XT DNA Library Prep Kit.
Step 2 Paired-end reads were generated using Illumina MiSeq
Step 3 Further read processing included quality trimming and assembly with SPAdes 3.9.1 and filtering by removing contigs with a coverage < 5 and a length < 500. Quality was assessed with QUAST 4.3
Step 4 Annotation was performed with Prokka using the recommended standard settings.
Step 5 Resistance genes were predicted using the ResFinder
The paper(s) documenting this protocol:
- Hanel I et al. Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Genomic Structure of Arcobacter skirrowii Isolates. Front Microbiol. 2018
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